Pictures for Saturday are here.
I shot far fewer today. I noticed that Rick Steves had mentioned an architecture museum in the Palais de Chaillot that had replicas of older buildings and plans of 20th and 21st century buildings and also views of the Eiffel Tower. So, off I went. After leaving the museum, I walked down to Iena, and found one of the more elegant Paris street markets on Avenue President Wilson. As I reached the creperie, I noticed that the vendors were packing up, so I quickly got in line for lunch. That was more or less it for photos.
In late afternoon, I headed out the the Cite de la Musique to see the permanent collection and a special exhibit on the great jazz guitarist, Django Reinhardt. For this museum, you really do want the audio guide, because as you view the evolution of various instruments in the glass cases, you can hear music played on those same instruments. The special exhibit featured semi-enclosed benches where selections were played from various phases of Reinhardt's career. The enclosures were cleverly designed so that you could clearly hear the recordings being played over the surrounding crowd noise. There was also a short live performance of a guitar and wind duo playing several selections in the styles of various phases of his career. Afterward, I purchased the exhibit catalog in the form of 5 CD's incorporating all the music from the bench areas and an illustrated guide.
Things may get interesting for the rest of the trip. The weather is supposed to become cooler and less drippy. Sunday, there's a 250,000 person rally of right-wing groups for traditional marriage at the Champ du Mars. Also, with the French intervening in Mali there's a terrorist alert and heightened security. So, I'll stay away from the Eiffel Tower today and may see some more troops on the street (I’ve seen several groups of 2 or 3 armed soldiers already).